Posts Tagged ‘ journalism ’

Multimedia Journalism

Multimedia journalism is interesting because it makes a combination of different content forms and publishes all the information together. Multimedia journalism takes a great deal of work because of all the different sources and outlets of content. Using several different forms of media does not necessarily mean that it is a multimedia story. In a multimedia story the many medias must be intertwined and run smoothy from one to another. Most news websites use texts, videos, and pictures but using these media types does not automatically make it a multimedia story because often these are standing alone and not telling a story from one media type to another. Multimedia journalism is getting more common as technology tools are making the daunting task easier.

Citizen Journalism

With the rise of technology and the internet citizen journalists are becoming increasing popular in order to access hands on information at events quickly. People are often at the right place at the right time such as the person that tweeted a picture of when the airplane landed in the Hudson’s river. Technology has allowed citizens to publish situations if they are at the right place at the right time. Wikipedia defines citizen journalism as “the concept of members of the public playing an active role in the process of collecting, reporting, analyzing and disseminating news and information.” This YouTube video displays the top moments of citizen journalism.