Posts Tagged ‘ YouTube ’

How to make a podcast!

Now that my previous post described the origins of a podcast it is important to know how simple and easy making your own podcast is. First you need to edit or create an audio file. Then once you have created an audio file you need to upload it. You can use any of the following services: Soundcloud,, Ivoox, or youtube. The last and final step once you have uploaded it, is distributing your podcast! You again can do this through, podomatic, or feedburner which is hosted through google. With these three simple steps you can understand why podcasting has become so popular. In a future post I will upload my own podcast to display how simple the process is and how you can do it too!

Politics in Journalism 2.0

As technology has evolved it has caused politics to use new and improved forms of web 2.0. An excellent example of politicians using web 2.0 is Barack Obama during his campaign for president. A large reason for Obama’s success was how he utilized the internet in his favor. Obama took his brand of “Hope” and used this brand across platforms during his campaign. Obama used Facebook, Youtube, and other various forms of social networks in order to connect directly to individuals. I believe a large reason for the Obama’s success in wining the presidential elections was his capability to connect directly to the people using web 2.0. 

Citizen Journalism

With the rise of technology and the internet citizen journalists are becoming increasing popular in order to access hands on information at events quickly. People are often at the right place at the right time such as the person that tweeted a picture of when the airplane landed in the Hudson’s river. Technology has allowed citizens to publish situations if they are at the right place at the right time. Wikipedia defines citizen journalism as “the concept of members of the public playing an active role in the process of collecting, reporting, analyzing and disseminating news and information.” This YouTube video displays the top moments of citizen journalism.